Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Paranormal spiritual sensing

Depending on one's consciousness level, he/ she can perceive spirits in the darkness. They are similar to the one in the Invisible man movie. I felt them walk through me and my head start to ache or I tend to loose memory or consciousness. It's like some kind of blurry bubbles around the eye. Higher your spiritual level or aura, higher is your perception of ghosts.

Some symptoms when you are attached by ghosts include severe back ache near the waist region. I lived in two different haunted houses and similar symptoms were found.

Being pure vegan is great for your senses, you can be autonomous that way and easier to sense ghosts. Avoid meat or even egg too as they lower your sensory level.

Alcohol is worst for anyone, sexual content weakens, and so does many things suggested by Sri Krishna parmatma in the Bhagawad Gita about the Kali yuga

Monday, April 24, 2017

Dosa and sleep

Why do you fall asleep after eating Dosa?

Making dosa involves adding oil to it. In order for the body to be able to digest the oil, there is quite a bit of energy needed and that is obtained by putting all the other work at pause. By doing so it makes you feel tired and relax and makes you go for a nap.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Matrix style Kannada shell script

Matrix style Kannada shell script to make your screen look like in the Matrix movie but with kannada characters. Enjoy !!!

You need almost any linux machine. Then you run below commands in the terminal

$chmod a+x

# matrix: matrix-ish display for Bash terminal
# Author: Brett Terpstra 2012 
# Updated By: Ragu 2015 
# Contributors: Lauri Ranta and Carl 
# A morning project. Could have been better, but I'm learning when to stop.

### Customization:
# Choose the colors that will be used from the above list
# space-separated list
# e.g. `colors=($green $brightgreen $darkgrey $white)`
colors=($green $brightgreen)
### End customization

### Do not edit below this line
spacing=${1:-100} # the likelihood of a character being left in place
scroll=${2:-0} # 0 for static, positive integer determines scroll speed
screenlines=$(expr `tput lines` - 1 + $scroll)
screencols=$(expr `tput cols` / 2 - 1)

# chars=(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ^)
# charset via Carl:
#chars=(ア イ ウ エ オ カ キ ク ケ コ サ シ ス セ ソ タ チ ツ テ ト ナ ニ ヌ ネ ノ ハ ヒ フ ヘ ホ マ ミ ム メ モ ヤ ユ ヨ ラ リ ル レ ロ ワ ン)
chars=(ಅ ಆ ಇ ಈ ಉ ಊ  ಋ ೠ ಎ ಏ ಐ ಒ ಓ ಔ ಕ ಖ ಗ ಘ ಙ ಚ ಛ ಜ ಝ ಞ ಟ ಠ ಡ ಢ ಣ ತ ಥ ದ ಧ ನ ಪ ಫ ಬ ಭ ಮ ಯ ರ ಱ ಲ ವ ಶ ಷ ಸ ಹ ಳ ೞ ೦ ೧ ೨ ೩ ೪ ೫ ೬ ೭ ೮ ೯)


trap "tput sgr0; clear; exit" SIGTERM SIGINT

if [[ $1 =~ '-h' ]]; then
        echo "Display a Matrix(ish) screen in the terminal"
        echo "Usage:            matrix [SPACING [SCROLL]]"
        echo "Example:  matrix 100 0"
        exit 0

tput cup 0 0
while :
        do for i in $(eval echo {1..$screenlines})
                do for i in $(eval echo {1..$screencols})
                        do rand=$(($RANDOM%$spacing))
                                case $rand in
                                                printf "${colors[$RANDOM%$colorcount]}${chars[$RANDOM%$count]} "
                                                printf "  "
                                                printf "\033[2C"
                        printf "\n"

                        # sleep .005
                tput cup 0 0

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Kannada words inherited to Sanskrit/ Hindi

Did mankind first think of communication, then praying and last scripting it

Purana - To urdu as well but meaning old there instead of ancient literature
Linga - Ling
Jataka (used during Buddhist times same as in Kannada) - Jatak in hindi
Simha - Lion
Panchanga - Panchang
All Rashis inherited from Kannada
All Nakshatras inherited from Kannada
Chandra - Chaand
Matta - Mutt
Jathaka - Jathak

Words in English possibly from Kannada - Etymology

Kannada --> Kaasu
English --> Cash

Kannada --> Manga
English --> Monkey

Kannada --> Itihaasa
English --> History

Kannada --> Mili
English --> Miles

Kannada --> Menthe soppu
English --> Mint leaves

Kannada --> Thimmappa
English --> Tim

Kannada --> Meghana
English --> Megan

Kannada --> Thimmappa
English --> Tim

Kannada --> Medhulu
English --> Medula Obolongata

Kannada --> Sthana
Many languages --> Kazhakistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhastan

Kannada --> Hogo
English --> Go

Kannada --> Macchu
English --> Machette

Kannada --> Ganji
English --> Congee
Chinese --> Kanji 

Kannada --> Aruna meaning sunrise
Japanese --> Aruna meaning spring flower

Hindi --> Aadmi
English --> Adam

Kannada --> Brahma
English --> Abraham

Kannada --> Saraswati
English --> Sarah (Abraham s wife)
Brahma's wife is Saraswati too


After Mahabharata, pandavas became Europeans, kauravas the east Indians.

Vowels in English a, e, i, o, u possible from Kannada 'aa aae ii oou ammm haha'

Kannada letters similar to English alphabets, more or less inherited?

ಬ = B
ದ = D
ಇ = E
ಲ = L
ಮ = M
ನ = N
ಸ = S
ಯ = U
 ವ = V